When it comes to buying the right high-quality, high-performance HDMI cable certification is an important feature to consider. Check out this short video to learn more.
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What are ARC and eARC and why do they matter? Watch this short video to learn more.

When it comes to the thought process behind the design and features of our Austere HDMI Cables, our team and Product Engineer, Stan Levitsky had to think outside of the box. Watch this short video to learn more!
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We sat down with Deena Ghazarian, Austere founder & CEO, to learn more about one of the amazing features of the new lineup of 4-Outlet Power, PureFiltration.
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Our phones, tablets, laptops, remotes, and cases are items we use every day, but do you clean them every day? Read how Austere Clean & Protect helps keep all of your learning devices fingerprint free using no harsh chemicals.
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