Austere is moving beyond the primary function of providing power, to a place where performance, safety, and design come together to define what you should expect from power.
Austere’s V Series Power and VII Series Power, are Austere's answer to the potentially unsafe, inexpensive, inefficient and unattractive power strips we have all come to know and loathe. To provide our customers with a product that’s More Than Expected, we combine exceptional safety features, advanced power filtering, and diverse charging capabilities with stylish and practical design.
The last thing you want to do is to damage your expensive TV or mobile device while trying to clean it and it’s no longer an option to not clean it. Our team has formulated Clean & Protect to both clean and disinfect without damage. During development, we performed exhaustive testing to ensure that the formulation was truly best-in-class and More Than Expected when compared to other screen cleaners – most of which do not have anti-bacterial agents.
Nearly everybody knows that you need a surge protector for your home entertainment system and home office. However, you may not know that power products are not all created equal.
Is the $20.00 power strip sold at the “Deal Store” any good?
What do you get when you pay more for a power product?
It turns out the answer to those questions can get complicated as some surge protector power strips offer a lot more than just protection from power spikes and lightning hits (i.e. Isolated Noise Filtration, Flameless MOVs, 45 Watt Power Delivery, etc.), but a good place to start is with the Joule rating.